In addition to continuing to closely monitor the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak according to the information provided by the Centers for Disease Control here, we at CABA are also remaining up-to-date with our local governing agencies.
We are writing to you now about the recently released increased safety recommendations for individuals who reside in California (CA). The following is an update on our on-going efforts to help keep our employees and clients safe during these concerning times:
At this time, CABA remains OPEN (we have only postponed our Social Skills services, all other services are operating per the CDC guidelines)
CABA provides ABA-based services (defined as Medically Necessary) and CABA is an Essential Business (as defined by the state of California):
“Essential Businesses” include (but are not limited to):
Grocery stores;
Gas stations;
Other service providers who provide services that are necessary to maintaining the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences
Home-based care for seniors, adults, or children;
Residential facilities and shelters for seniors, adults, and children;
We understand that many people are confused about how the increased safety guidelines impact service provision: Essential Businesses remain in operation (regardless of whether you are living in a city that is recommending for only people over the age of 65 to remain home, or if you are living in a community that has guided everyone to “shelter in place”).
Please re-review the following actions that we are taking to help protect everyone as we continue to offer our services as an Essential Business in the state of CA:
We’ve advised our employees to follow the public health authorities' guidance regarding personal travel, good hygiene, social distancing and sanitizing practices
We’ve reinforced existing CABA policy encouraging employees who exhibit flu-like symptoms to stay home and consult with a medical professional
We have discontinued access to large group gatherings for any community-based services
We’ve reinforced existing CABA policy requiring parents/guardians to cancel session and consult with a medical professional if a member of their household is exhibiting flu-like symptoms
As we continue to navigate next steps here, we are also working quickly to share the following with you ASAP:
Some important/useful considerations for cancelling a session
A way to provide you all with more real-time updates and CABA’s related policies and procedures
Again, we understand that this is a concerning time and appreciate the trust that you place in CABA. We will continue to closely monitor the situation and take actions necessary to help keep our employees and clients safe.
Please do not hesitate to send any questions you have to
The CABA Management Team